Please find the proposed pandemic response rule change, as well as key fob clarification and coaching rules for your community.
In accordance with California Civil Code 4360, the Association must distribute proposed rule changes, stating the purpose and effect, to the membership at least twenty-eight days before making the change or adopting a new rule.
The purpose of the pandemic response rules is to encourage safe, practical use of the Association’s Facilities during a period of pandemic.
The purpose of the key fob clarification rule is to clarify how key fobs are distributed.
The purpose of the coaching rule is to reduce liability to the Association and prohibit coaching of any kind at Association Facilities.
If you have any comments or concerns, please e-mail management at [email protected].
The Board will vote on the above at the regular board meeting scheduled for October 20, 2020.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (949) 561-0181 or by e-mail at [email protected].